
of Curran Kelleher

liquidmath.pngLiquidMath - an open source project which contains a pure Java math expression parsing library and minimalistic 3D rendering library. It is planned to become an interactive 3D graphing calculator.

Gödel, Escher, Bach Course Material and Programming Examples: PDF Document, Accompanying Java Code, and ContextFree Examples (these are also in Wikipedia) - Justin Curry and I co-taught a course centered on Gödel, Escher, Bach at MIT in summer 2007

JyVisScreenshot.pngJyVis - an open source visualization platform which can integrate visualization tools written in Jython (Java interpreted Python) or Groovy (a Java-based scripting language) on the fly

curranPhysics.pngCurranPhysics - an applet published on the New England Complex Systems website which shows emergent behavior in a simple particle system. 

CurranPhysics3D - 1/25/07 - A rough simulation of particles interacting with various forces. The forces are editable.


2D Grapher - 12/09/06 - A simple 2D cartesian grapher which supports animation, user variables, sequential statements, conditional operations, and boolean algebra.


Cellular Automata - Voting patterns - 1/20/06 - interactive cellular automata simulating voting patterns.


Graphing Calculator Supreme - 7/14/05 - aid in teaching and learning fundamental mathematical concepts through interactive visualization. I suppose one would call it version "alpha"

Java 3D Engine - 6/19/05 - a set of 3D classes that can be used to create and view simple 3D objects

Fractals - 5/30/05 - Mandlebrot set type fractals and tree fractals


Differential equation solver: 40 solutions - 5/18/05 draws 40 solutions to a moving differential equation (dy/dx = f(x,y,t)) simultaneously, colors them depending on their slope, and fades a slope field of the equation in and out.

4D Cartesian Graphs - 5/17/05 - Z = f(X,Y,Time), creates a moving 3D surface

3D Parametric Graph - 5/17/05 - X,Y, and Z all in terms of time, creates a 3D curve, no surface

     the source


z = sin(xy/10)                

Any questions? comments? suggestions? ideas? feel free to email me