


var polygons = readPolygonsFromFile('regions.json');
var vertices = preprocess(polygons);
var files = quadstream(vertices);


  • polygons An array of polygons.
    • Polygons are arrays of vertices.
    • Vertices are objects with numeric x and y properties.
  • Example of structure:
    var polygons = [
      [{ x: 5, y:4 }, {x: 10, y: 4}, {x: 1, y: 1}],
      [{ x: 5, y:4 }, {x: 10, y: 4}, {x: 15, y: 10}]


  • A vertices object.
    • Keys are integer polygon ids, assigned to input polygons in the order they are encountered in the input.
    • Values are vertex objects with:
      • vertex.x and vertex.y numeric coordinates,
      • vertex.memberships An array whose elements are vertex membership objects with:
      • membership.polygonId
      • membership.vertexId These are assigned to vertices in the order they are encountered in the input, polygons.
var preprocess = function(polygons){


  • Keys:

    • Strings of the form x+"_"+y.
  • Values:

    • Vertex objects
    • see description of output for preprocess(polygons)
  var verticesByLocation = {}

  var location = function(vertex){
    return vertex.x+"_"+vertex.y;


  • An array of vertex objects.
  • This is returned from the function.
  • see description of output for preprocess(polygons)
  var vertices = [];


  • Maintain an incrementing integer polygonId for assigning identifiers to input polygons.
    • Starts at 0.
  var polygonId = 0;
  • Maintain an incrementing integer vertexId for assigning identifiers to input vertices.
    • Starts at 0 for each polygon.
    var vertexId = 0;
  • For each polygon, add an empty array to the vertices variable, which will laer be returned from the function.
    var verticesOfPolygon = vertices[polygonId++] = [];
  • For each vertex:
  • Resolve identical vertices in different polygons to the same object by finding previously processed vertices based on their (x, y) coordinate values.
      var vertexLocation = location(_vertex);
      var vertex = vertices[vertexLocation];
  • Create the vertex object if it doesn't exist.
        vertex = vertices[vertexLocation] = {
          x: _vertex.x,
          y: _vertex.y,
          memberships: []
  • Add a membership for each instance of the vertex.
        polygonId: polygonId,
        vertexId: vertexId
  • Increment the vertexId counter.

  return vertices;
var quadstream = (function(){


  • vertices The preprocessed vertices of the input polygon set. An array of objects with:
    • x
    • y
    • memberships An array of objects with:
      • polygonId
      • vertexId
  • fileDepth Is an integer that defines the number of quadtree levels traversed for defining the contents of each file.
  • maxLevel The maximum quadtree level to partition vertices into.
  • bounds The bounding box to use for the top-level quadtree node, an object with properties:
    • x, y, width, and height.
    • Each vertex in vertices must fall within this rectangle.
  return function(vertices, fileDepth, maxLevel, bounds){

spots The addresses of representative vertices mapped to the vertices.

  • Keys: spot addresses
    • of the form level+"_"+i+"_"j
  • Values: vertex objects
    var spots = {};

spotAddress(level, i, j) Returns a key that can be used to look up or store vertices in spots.

    var spotAddress = function(level, i, j){
      return [level,i,j].join('_');

addressOfVertex(level, x, y) Returns the spot address of the given (x, y) point at the given level.

    var addressOfVertex = function(level, x, y){
      var gridSideLength = Math.pow(2, level);
      var normalizedX = (x - bounds.x) / bounds.width;
      var normalizedY = (y - bounds.y) / bounds.height;
      var i = Math.floor(normalizedX * gridSideLength);
      var j = Math.floor(normalizedY * gridSideLength);
      return spotAddress(level, i, j);

stream(vertex) Indexes the given vertex into spots for all levels.

    var stream = function(vertex){
      for(var level = 0; level < maxLevel; level++){
        var vertexAddress = addressOfVertex(level, vertex.x, vertex.y);
  • If the spot in which the vertex falls at the current level is occupied,
  • Then go down another level in search of an empty spot.
  • Otherwise,
    • Stuff the empty spot with this vertex and stop looking.
          spots[vertexAddress] = vertex;

Calling stream() on a set of vertices constructs a quadtree-like structure where each input vertex becomes exactly one node in the output tree.

  • Except in the case that adjacent vertices are closer than the maximum resolution of the quadtree determined by maxLevel.

Conceptually, the tree contains nodes with:

  • x, y
  • memberships
    • polygonId
    • vertexId
      • Ascending vertexId values define order of traversal for drawing the polygons later.
  • level, i, j
  • children
    • Can be computed by looking up nodes that match the following:
      • (level + 1, 2 * i , 2 * j)
      • (level + 1, 2 * i + 1 , 2 * j)
      • (level + 1, 2 * i , 2 * j + 1)
      • (level + 1, 2 * i + 1 , 2 * j + 1)
    var streamAll = function(vertices){

    var criticalVertices = function(){

Select vertices that close gap.

      return _(vertices).filter(function(vertex){

Assume the containing polygon is also a polygon.

This assures that vertices along the outside border between two adjacent polygons a and b will have three memberships:

  1. a
  2. b
  3. The outer polygon that contains all the others.
        vertex.memberships.length > 2;

    var streamCriticalVertices = function(){

    var streamExtremeVertices = function(){

Find vertices that define polygon bounding boxes.

This is so clients can build bounding boxes from the vertices that are in file "1".

Also at this stage, store the bounding box of the overall tree.


    var streamOtherVertices = function(){

If stream is called twice with the same vertex, nothing happens.


    var getVerticesForFile = function(file_level, file_i, file_j){

Save on object creation by re-using an empty array reference

  • For base case of recursion, so used often
    • in O(n)) where n is the number of .
      var emptyArray = [];
      var recurse = function(level, i, j){
        var vertex = spots[spotAddress(level, i, j)];

Include all subtrees

        var vertices = [];
        if( file_level === 0 )
        ? [vertex] : [];

        if(vertex && level < file_level + fileDepth){

          vertices.push(  recurse(level + 1,   2 * i     ,   2 * j));
          vertices.push(  recurse(level + 1,   2 * i + 1 ,   2 * j));
          vertices.push(  recurse(level + 1,   2 * i     ,   2 * j + 1));
          vertices.push(  recurse(level + 1,   2 * i + 1 ,   2 * j + 1));

          return vertices;
          return emptyArray;
      recurse(0, 0, 0);

    var buildFiles = function(){

files The output files.

  • Keys: file names
  • Values: Objects to be serialized as JSON
      var files = {}

      return files;

Assumption: it's all in memory.

    return buildFiles();