Week 9 Reading and Lecture
Please Read: Chapter 13 “Reduce Items and Attributes”
Please Read/Skim: imMens: Real-time Visual Querying of Big Data
- This paper has great concepts about data reduction and how it interplays with visualization.
- Please read in detail Section 3. "Data Reduction Methods"
Please Read/Skim: Multiscale Visualization Using Data Cubes
- This paper was hugely inspirational to me personally, as it clearly illuminates the concept of multidimensional aggregation in the form of "data cubes". Many data visualizations deal with aggregated multidimensional data, and the data cube concept sheds light on the full structure of possible ways to aggregate.
- Note: "data cubes" relates to the concept of "binned aggregation" discussed in the imMens paper.
Please Watch: Tamara Munzner Lecture from 51:24 - End (5 min)
Please Watch:
Visualizing the Universal Data Cube Introduction (first 11 minutes)