Week 5 Reading and Lecture
Please Read: Chapter 7 “Arrange Tables”
- This is a great chapter, covering the most common visualization idioms like bar charts, scatter plots, and more, putting these into the context of marks and channels, and discussing their strengths and weaknesses.
If you did get a copy of The Grammar of Graphics; Please Read/Skim: Chapter 9 "Coordinates"
Please Read/Skim: A Layered Grammar of Graphics by Hadley Wickham
- This awesome paper describes a modern and Open Source iteration on the original Grammar of Graphics, which has become the widely used R library ggplot2
Please Watch: Amit Kapoor - Visualising Multi Dimensional Data (35 min, feel free to stop at 28:00 when the Q&A starts)
- This excellent talk by Amit Kapoor discusses many topics that overlap with Chapter 7 of VDA, but also touches upon many various directions these techniques can be taken. This talk is heavily influenced by the original "Grammar of Graphics" book, and ggplot2 from R.
Please WatchUnit 2 of Video Course D3.js in Motion
- This unit covers how to create bar charts (horizontal and vertical), line charts, pie charts and donut charts using D3.js.