Assignment: D3 Detox
D3 is great, but there are other amazing data visualization tools out there.
In this assignment, you are to create one or more visualizations of your project dataset using one of the following tools (you may choose any one of these):
Please submit a document (Word, Google Doc, or PDF) including
- an image of the visualization(s) you created
- a brief (paragraph or so) description of your experience using this tool and creating the visualization. How does it compare with D3?
- It's fine to reproduce the visualization you already made of this dataset.
- This may be a good opportunity to explore the dataset you chose for your project and try different visual encodings.
- If you know of another good tool for creating visualizations, please mention it in the course Slack and I will consider adding it to this list. The tool you use must be on the list here, not just any tool is acceptable to use.